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6 Best Document Management Automation Tools To Boost Business Operations in 2024

6 Best Document Management Automation Tools To Boost Business Operations in 2024

Has your office gone paperless?

Should you be using a document management automation tool?

Is it worth your while??

Spoiler: It is. Big time.

In this post, we review the six best document management automation solutions on the market today.

We’re bringing you all answers: why document management software matters, how an automated workflow can improve your document processes, the best tools in this category, and a bunch more.

Let’s get started.

What is Document Management Software

Document management software is any program that helps businesses store, organize, track, and distribute digital documents. (Think of them as high-tech filing cabinets.)

Are you familiar with Google Drive? What about iCloud or Dropbox? Then you have some idea of what document management software is. Though, it should be said that there are other tools on the market—some of which will vastly improve your document workflows via automation.

Here are a few features these automated tools could have:

  • Data Capture: Integrate with your CRM of choice to automatically populate forms, contracts, and other documents with accurate customer information.
  • Document Generation: Create new documents with the click of a button—all based on the specific requirements your company needs to succeed in its industry.
  • E-Signature Capabilities: Allow new employees, customers, etc. to easily sign digital documents with e-signature technology; then receive automated updates when they do.

Why are Document Management Systems (DMS) Important?

Your document management system (DMS) will allow your company to improve organization, increase collaboration, and enhance security. These things are especially true with automated document solutions. Let’s dig deeper into each of these important benefits:


Document organization is way easier with a DMS.

This kind of tool will give you a central repository to store your company’s files. Just as important, the files will be searchable once they’re added to your database.

So, your team will find the documents it needs faster. Distributed team members will have easy access to files, too—something you can’t say when using an old school paper system.


A DMS will give your entire team access to documents, which will enhance collaboration.

Multiple people can view digital documents at the same time. So, you won’t have to wait for a colleague to edit a physical document; then send it to you because you’ll see their edits in real time. This will lead to better collaboration and more productive document workflows.


A DMS will also improve your company’s digital security.

All of that information you have on pieces of paper throughout the office? It can be stored in a DMS, where documents can be locked down tight and document access can be controlled

For example, you can give each team member unique permissions. That way lower-level employees can only access general documents, while high-level personnel can access sensitive material. This will significantly reduce data breaches for your organization.

How Does Document Management Automation work?

Document management automation uses artificial intelligence to perform multiple tasks.

What tasks, you ask? It depends on the document control system you use. But generally speaking, this kind of technology can automatically create documents based on predefined parameters, fill in forms and contracts using company data, and collect e-signatures.

Basically, with the right tool, you can create an automated workflow for all of your department’s document management processes—whether you work in HR, Sales, or customer success.

Who Needs Document Management Automation?

Let’s be honest, nobody needs document management automation. But just about every business should want it because there are so many benefits. (More on benefits below.)

Think about automation tools in general. What would your company do without an email marketing provider? You’d have to manually send emails to customers. What if you didn’t have a calendar app? Your salespeople would waste time booking meetings. What if you didn’t have a customer success platform? You’d have to hire dozens of support staff to man the phones.

Document automation can be just as impactful because it will enable you to improve a variety of business processes. Basically, if your database contains more than a single document, start investing in this kind of tool. You’ll be glad you did because…

Benefits of Document Management Automation

We talked about why your company needs a document control system.

Now let’s talk about the benefits of document automation. There are many of them, but we’re going to focus on the big three: productivity, cost savings, and data accuracy.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

How long does it take your team to create new documents? Or find ones that were created a few years ago? The answer is probably something like, “Way too much time!

A document automation system will help you create documents faster by eliminating manual processes. For example, you won’t have to input certain data points or fiddle with formatting. These are repetitive tasks that quality software applications can handle in less time.

Once you create a document you need an easy way to find it. That way it can be used to improve your business. With document automation features, you simply have to type in the name of the document you want to find. Or in some cases, a simple keyword. Then, presto, the app will locate the document you need in milliseconds. Talk about peak efficiency levels!

Cost Savings

We’ll admit, document automation requires an initial investment. But you’ll happily spend the money when you realize how much time your team saves.

Paper-based processes are expensive. Without automation tools, employees have to create documents from scratch and search for them in less-than-organized filing cabinets. And we haven’t even talked about the cost of paper, which really adds up—even for small businesses.

Automated document management services boost productivity, which will save your company money. They also reduce data entry errors that can be expensive to fix. Speaking of which…

Improved Accuracy and Compliance

Last but not least, automated document control systems improve accuracy.

Humans make way more data entry mistakes than software programs. Add an extra zero to a number, or miscopy the wrong word, and you could have a serious non-compliance issue on your hands. Automation will help ensure these things don’t happen.

In a similar vein, automated document management can help prevent unauthorized access to proprietary files. Without secure storage, your company won’t be able to comply with the law.

Common Challenges in Document Management Processes

Automated document solutions will solve a lot of problems for your organization. In fact, once you invest in this kind of tool, you’ll be able to overcome a few common challenges:

Manual Data Entry Errors

Do you know anyone who enjoys data entry? You probably can’t think of a single person, can you? That’s because these kinds of manual tasks are Boring, with a capital B.

Even worse, they’re ripe for human error. Converting paper documents to digital documents is mind-numbing work. Bored employees make more mistakes than engaged ones. The problem is, these mistakes can have serious ramifications, which is why they must be avoided.

Document automation solutions will minimize data entry work for your team. This, in turn, will reduce the number of human errors they make, saving your company time and money.

Lack of Version Control

Editing paper documents is a pain.

You have to reprint pages every time an edit is made, which is costly and inefficient. Just as bad, your team will always wonder if they’re working on the latest version of a document.

Digital documents give users access to version control features. So, they can easily view previous versions of a piece and feel confident they’re working on the right one. This will minimize the uncertainty that comes with a paper-based document control system.

Inefficient Approval Processes

The document approval process can also be challenging without workflow automation features.

Have you ever had to wait weeks for a signature? You might have missed a deadline or lost a sale because it took too long to get approval. These situations are infuriating.

Most document automation software includes e-signature capabilities. This, combined with the fact that these tools can be programmed to send e-sign reminders at regular intervals, means your team will spend a lot less time waiting for approval and more time getting stuff done.

Document Management Automation Best Practices

Let’s jump forward a bit…

You’ve just purchased one of the document management solutions we talk about below. Now you want to use it correctly. Here are a few

best practices to keep in mind:

Set SMART Goals

You’ll get way more done when you identify SMART goals. If you’re not familiar with the acronym, SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Based:

  • Specific: You should know exactly what you’re trying to achieve
  • Measurable: You should be able to quantify your goal, so you can track progress
  • Achievable: You should choose a goal that you and your team can actually accomplish
  • Relevant: You should choose a goal that relates to your company’s overarching mission
  • Time-Bound: You should give your goal a deadline to know of you succeed of fail

Here’s a quick example: “We want to implement a top-rated document automation system and improve team-wide productivity and collaboration by at least 10% by the end of the quarter.

Integrate the Tool

Integrate your document workflow automation software with the rest of your team’s tech stack. That way it can access the information inside your other tools.

Let’s pretend that you want your document control system to generate a sales contract. But you haven’t connected the platform to your organization’s CRM. As such, the platform doesn’t have access to real-time data. How accurate do you think that contract will be? (Hint: not very.)

When your automation software integrates with your other tools, data accuracy will improve.

Improve Processes

Many professionals use their new automated document management platform to recreate their old, paper-based processes. This is a missed opportunity.

You should be able to streamline your paper-based process when you go digital. You’ll be able to automate certain steps and eliminate others. Doing so will make your team more efficient. So don’t be afraid to kiss old processes goodbye if you can replace them with better ones.

Create Rules to Follow

Without rules, your digital repository will lack organization—even if you use automation tools.

Make sure everyone on your team knows how to create, name, and organize documents the right way. This will make it easier for employees to find said documents in the future.

Also, implement all necessary security measures. Identify important documents that contain sensitive material, then allow only specific individuals to view them. As mentioned above, limiting access in this way will help keep your company safe from data breaches.

Clean Up Your Database

Finally, prioritize content management and review your documentation from time to time.

Which documents need to be updated? Which documents can be removed and destroyed? Audit your database on a regular basis so that it only includes relevant, up-to-date information.

3 Truths About Document Management Automation

We’ve talked a lot about automated document solutions. And if you’ve made it this far, you’re probably sold on the benefits of this technology. But if not, we have a few cold, hard facts to share with you. Here are three important truths about document management automation:

  • It Boosts Team Productivity: Almost 75% of time spent working with paper-based information is wasted on searching and filing tasks. Your team will get more done when they can use a search bar to quickly refind documents they made in the past.
  • It Saves Companies Money: The average document is copied 19 times. And the average worker spends about $120 worth of professional time searching for documents. Your business will save thousands of dollars a year by cutting paper costs and using tools that let employees store and organize documents in a central repository.
  • It Drives More Revenue: Users sign 79% of digital documents within 24 hours. And time to close metrics decrease by an average of 41%. Thanks to electronic signatures, your company’s sales team will be able to close deals faster and more consistently. This will lead to more revenue and ultimately, more success for your organization.

Best Document Management Automation Software in 2024

At this point you’re probably thinking, “Document automation solutions sound great! Which one should I purchase for my team?” Great question. Here are six options to consider:


Experlogix is a diverse tool that can elevate your company’s file management processes.

The platform includes an intuitive user interface, top-level document generation features, electronic signature capabilities, and more. The result? More accurate documents in less time.

Document Automation Software​

Key Features

  • Simplify document production and create electronic documents with a few clicks
  • Keep files organized and secure with intuitive document search and access controls
  • Don’t just create documents, accept digital signatures from all necessary parties
  • Connect Experlogix to a variety of other tools, including CRM and ERP software

Platform Pros

  • Harness the power of AI and machine learning to quickly create new documents
  • Easily collaborate with teammates thanks to file sharing and version control features
  • Speed up time-consuming processes with document retrieval and e-sign capabilities
  • Connect Experlogix to the rest of your tech stack with easy-to-setup integrations


Platform Cons

  • Experlogix has a bunch of powerful features, which can be overwhelming to new users


Use PandaDoc to create documents, receive e-signatures, and organize files.

The platform is popular in sales circles because of its focus on quotes, proposals, and contracts. It also integrates with many other sales-related tools, like CRM software and payment portals.

Key Features

  • Access a library of templates to create new files in a flash
  • Build custom documents with drag-and-drop functionality
  • Integrate PandaDoc with thousands of other tools via Zapier
  • Understand how content performs with in-depth analytics

Platform Pros

  • Access an intuitive interface that makes it easy to create documents
  • Automate certain manual tasks to increase team productivity levels
  • Connect PandaDoc to the other sales tools your team uses every day
  • Enjoy affordable pricing with plans that start at just $19 a month, per user

Platform Cons

  • Many salespeople need access to quotes, proposals, and contracts in the field. Unfortunately, PandaDoc’s mobile app isn’t as functional as it could be.


With Templafy, users can manage, update, and distribute company materials.

When it comes to document production, Templafy integrates with Microsoft and Google tools to streamline the creation of contracts, proposals, and other sales-related files.

More than anything, though, Templafy is known for brand compliance because it gives management personnel the oversight they need to quickly approve or reject specific assets.

Key Features

  • Take control of every company document to ensure it meets compliance standards
  • Create templates to make automated document creation as simple as possible
  • Integrate Templafy with Microsoft and Google to create documents with these platforms
  • Access detailed analytics to understand how certain digital documents perform

Platform Pros

  • Enjoy a simple interface that’s easy to navigate
  • Boost team-wide productivity and efficiency metrics
  • Ensure effective use of branded assets across channels

Platform Cons

  • Templafy is designed for enterprise organizations, not small businesses
  • Templafy doesn’t feature an offline mode, so an internet connection is required


HotDocs was one of the first document automation tools on the market—and it’s still kicking.

Professionals like this tool because it allows organizations of all sizes to increase productivity thanks to unique features. This leads to fewer document-related headaches and more revenue.

Key Features

  • Turn frequently used documents into templates to save time
  • Use interactive Q&As to gather data and build custom documents
  • Store all documents in a central database for easy recall in the future
  • Integrate HotDocs with a variety of CRMs and other business-oriented software

Platform Pros

  • Create custom templates for any use case
  • Reduce human error when building new documents
  • Use the interview feature to quickly gather necessary data

Platform Cons

  • HotDocs isn’t as user-friendly as other automated document control systems
  • HotDocs requires a bigger initial investment than many of its competitors


Gavel, formerly known as Documate, is popular in the legal market. But businesses in other industries can appreciate the tool’s simple UI and straightforward approach to data collection.

First, users create questionnaires to send to clients, customers, etc. Second, users build forms inside Microsoft Word. Third, users send the forms to recipients and collect data. The data is then automatically inserted into a final document that users can then store in their database.

Key Features

  • Create custom forms that meet your exact criteria
  • Turn any document into a template that can be reused
  • Integrate Gavel into your existing document-related workflows

Platform Pros

  • Use a tool that doesn’t make you want to tear your hair out
  • Set detailed rules to build complex workflows for your team
  • Enable multiple team members to work on the same workflow at once

Platform Cons

  • Gavel is more expensive than other tool in this category
  • Gavel was specially designed for people in the legal profession


Last up, JotForm. This tool is best known for helping customers create online surveys. But did you know that it can be used to create and edit PDF documents? It’s true!

Key Features

  • Access 1,200+ professionally designed PDF templates
  • Take the data you receive from forms and turn it into a PDF
  • Capture e-signatures and even payments with your JotForm PDFs

Platform Pros

  • JotForm PDF Editor is completely free
  • Create PDFs in seconds, with very little learning curve

Platform Cons

  • JotForm is significantly less powerful than the other tools in this article

Final Thoughts

A document management system will increase your team’s productivity, save you money, and increase data accuracy (say goodbye to compliance issues!) Throw a bit of automation into the mix and your digital workflow will explode, improving your document processes in multiple ways.

All you have to do now is choose the right document management automation tool.

One of the six we talked about will fit the bill. But Experlogix is particularly equipped to supercharge your document-related tasks thanks to its intuitive interface and wealth of features.

Request a free demo of Experlogix today to see our industry-leading platform in action!

Jacob Thomas

Jacob Thomas

Jacob Thomas is a SAAS content writer. When he's not writing you'll find him spending time with his beautiful wife and their three boys.

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