Digital Commerce for Wholesalers & Distributors

Ensure your fulfilment process is fast, accurate and accessible enough to meet customer expectations.

Drive Business Growth Through B2B E-commerce

Empower your team, optimize your operations, and watch as your business achieves unprecedented growth through the power of B2B eCommerce.
Accessing real-time product and stock information is now at your fingertips. With Experlogix Digital Commerce, you can instantly view the most up-to-date data on product availability and stock levels. This real-time view transforms the way you manage your resources, enhancing efficiency and enabling you to respond swiftly to market fluctuations and customer demands.
Experience the comprehensive capabilities of our WebShop solution enhanced by industry-specific functionalities. Benefit from features like discount was/now pricing, price quantity breaks, enticing 2-for-1 special offers, and precise ‘in-stock’ part counts. Elevate your online selling experience with tailored tools that cater to your specific industry requirements.
Discover related and alternative products effortlessly with Experlogix Digital Commerce. Whether you’re a buyer or a seller, this feature streamlines product exploration within your catalogue, enhancing decision-making and user experience. Simplify your search, drive sales, and boost customer satisfaction with seamless access to a wide array of options.
Digital Commerce for Wholesalers & Distributors
Seamless ERP Integration ​

Enabling Seamless 24/7 Online Ordering

Step into the future of business with our innovative B2B e-Commerce platform, enabling round-the-clock online ordering. In a world where time zones blur and opportunities defy traditional schedules, our user-friendly interface empowers customers to explore your products, check inventory, and make purchases at their convenience, from any device. This seamless accessibility not only enhances satisfaction but also ensures you never miss a potential sale. Embracing 24/7 online ordering demonstrates your commitment to modern business dynamics, paving the way for sustained growth.

Eliminate Manual ERP Processing with Integrated e-commerce

Eliminate manual data hassles with our seamless integration to your ERP system. By automating repetitive tasks, errors are reduced, efficiency is boosted, and your team can concentrate on growth-driving strategies. Real-time synchronization between your e-commerce platform and ERP ensures effortless and accurate inventory updates, order processing, and customer information management. Embrace this technological synergy to enhance efficiency and elevate your business to new heights.

Seamless ERP Integration ​
Finding Spare Parts Made Easy ​

Simplifying the Purchase Process for Your Customers

Enhancing customer relationships starts with effortless buying experiences. With Experlogix Digital Commerce simplifies the purchasing journey, ensuring intuitive navigation, streamlined checkouts, and easy order placement. This user-friendly approach fosters higher customer retention and increased loyalty.

Klipspringer Achieves Impressive Growth and Efficiency with Experlogix Digital Commerce


Request a Demo

Find out how you can do eCommerce better, faster and easier with a demo of Experlogix Digital Commerce.